Arama sonuçlarınız

  1. Cansu

    what percentage of people get 7 in ielts ?

    What percentage of people get 7 in IELTS? For people taking the exam for employment purposes, 18% got 6, 21% got 7, and 4.5% got 8. For candidate using the exam for university, 21.
  2. Cansu

    what is the radius of saturn in meters ?

    What is the radius of Saturn in meters? The radius of Saturn is approximately 6×107 meters.
  3. Cansu

    what is the meaning of huliya ?

    What is the meaning of huliya? Find detailed meaning of 'huliya' on Rekhta Dictionary حلي ), s.m. The appearance in respect of colour, complexion, &c. (of a man); a description of the face or countenance; a descriptive roll:—ḥilya-nāma, s.m. A descriptive roll.
  4. Cansu

    what is the female version of the name john ?

    What is the female version of the name John? Gender: Though John has been used predominantly as the masculine form of the name, girls have sometimes been called John or Johnnie. Feminine variants include Jackie, Jacqueline, Jana, Jane, Janet, Jeanne, Jeannie, Joan, Joanna, and Johanna.May 13, 2024
  5. Cansu

    what is the best ram size for android phone ?

    What is the best RAM size for Android phone? The amount of RAM you need in a phone depends on your usage patterns. For general tasks like browsing and social media, 4GB to 6GB is usually sufficient. For gaming and more demanding applications, consider 8GB or more for optimal performance.Jan 17, 2024
  6. Cansu

    what is one of four key principles of responsible ai ?

    What is one of four key principles of responsible AI? Focusing on those four foundations of responsible AI — empathy, fairness, transparency, and accountability — will not only benefit customers, it will differentiate any organization from its competitors and help generate a significant...
  7. Cansu

    what is better 2 4 ghz or 5ghz ?

    What is better, 2.4 GHz or 5GHz? 2.4 GHz vs. 5 GHz: Which frequency should you choose? A 2.4 GHz connection travels farther at lower speeds, while 5 GHz frequencies provide faster speeds at shorter range. Your choice of 2.
  8. Cansu

    what is a sultana in english ?

    What is a sultana in English? sultana [noun] the mother, wife, sister or daughter of a sultan.
  9. Cansu

    what is 1000 pounds in us dollars ?

    What is $1000 pounds in US Dollars? British Pounds to US Dollars conversion ratesGBPUSD1,000 GBP1,272.59 USD5,000 GBP6,362.96 USD10,000 GBP12,725.93 USD50,000 GBP63,629.
  10. Cansu

    what does yaba mean in arabic ?

    What does yaba mean in Arabic? there's many ways to say dad in arabic you can say baba (بابا) or in formal arabic aby (ابي ) or how Egyptians say it papy (there no letter p n arabic) or Jordanian people yaba (يابا )its different for each country though the common one is baba (بابا)Feb 20, 2018
  11. Cansu

    what does it mean to text with tabs ?

    What does it mean to text with tabs? Tabs help in evenly distributing the text between the margins and for indention. One tab is usually equivalent to five regular spaces. Tab is also known as horizontal tab.Jun 4, 2018
  12. Cansu

    what does a postmodernist believe in ?

    What does a postmodernist believe in? As a philosophy, postmodernism rejects concepts of rationality, objectivity, and universal truth. Instead, it emphasizes the diversity of human experience and multiplicity of perspectives.
  13. Cansu

    what countries had serfs ?

    What countries had serfs? Market participation can be widely observed among serfs not just in medieval England, but also in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, and France in the Middle Ages, as well as many regions of Eastern-Central and Eastern Europe under the early modern second serfdom...
  14. Cansu

    what are the 5 processes of change ?

    What are the 5 processes of change? The five stages of change are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Precontemplation is the stage at which there is no intention to change behavior in the foreseeable future. Many individuals in this stage are unaware or...
  15. Cansu

    wbc nedir kan tahlili ?

    WBC nedir kan tahlili? White Blood Count ifadelerinin kısaltması olan WBC, kandaki beyaz kan hücrelerinin sayısını gösteren testtir. Lökosit ismiyle de bilinen beyaz kan hücreleri veya immünositler olarak da adlandırılan bağışıklık hücreleri, vücudun korunmasında görev alan bağışıklık sisteminin...
  16. Cansu

    Vücut Kalori Hesaplama ?

    Vücut Kalori Hesaplama: Temel Bilgiler ve Yöntemler Vücut kalori hesaplama, sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzı ve etkili kilo yönetimi için kritik bir adımdır. Kaloriler, vücudun enerji ihtiyacını karşılamak için tükettiği miktardır ve bu hesaplamalar, kişisel sağlık hedeflerine ulaşmak adına büyük...
  17. Cansu

    vucuttaki yag orani nasil ogrenilir ?

    Vücuttaki yağ oranı nasıl öğrenilir? Vücut yağı, dansitometri, hidrometri, çift enerjili X-ışını absorpsiyometrisi (DXA), kimyasal çok bölmeli modeller, bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) veya manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRI) gibi farklı tekniklerle ölçülebilir.May 10, 2024
  18. Cansu

    vucutta haya ne demek ?

    Vücutta hayâ ne demek? Er bezi, haya veya testis, erkek üreme organlarından penisin her iki yanında yer alan yapılardır.
  19. Cansu

    vucut kas orani nasil arttirilir ?

    Vücut kas oranı nasıl arttırılır? Antrenman öncesi ve sonrası sindirilebilirliği yüksek et, tavuk, balık, yumurta gibi yüksek kaliteli protein çeşitleri tercih edilmelidir. Günlük kalori alımının %12-15'inin protein kaynaklı besinlerden sağlanması kas gelişimi açısından önemlidir. - Antrenmanın...
  20. Cansu

    vucudun her yerinde agri neden olur ?

    Vücudun her yerinde ağrı neden olur? Vücudun herhangi bir yerinde oluşan ağrı, hassasiyet, yorgunluk, uykusuzluk ve depresyon fibromiyaljinin belirtileridir. Fibromiyalji özellikle ağrı ve sabahları zor uyanma ile kendini belli eder. Nefes almada zorlanma ve kulak çınlaması da yine fibromiyalji...